2 circos i remember from the 60's Birmingham UK area:
Graham Carmichael--a very funny Glaswegian who could really drink
Oliver McDonald--very strange man. Like a character out of Charles Dickens.
Does anyone recollect them ?
i would love to hear from anyone who may have encountered the following the traveling overseers:.
david wesley - an incredibly kind and humble man.
just the most down-to-earth co you'll ever find.
2 circos i remember from the 60's Birmingham UK area:
Graham Carmichael--a very funny Glaswegian who could really drink
Oliver McDonald--very strange man. Like a character out of Charles Dickens.
Does anyone recollect them ?
hello my friends,.
here are some encouraging scriptures for the day:.
revelation 21:2 i also saw the holy city, new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. hebrews 11:10 for he (abraham) was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is god.. revelation 21:24 and the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.. revelation 22:1 and he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of god and of the lamb 2 down the middle of its main street (of the holy city).
i suppose this is one way to get your hours in for the watchtower--isnt it Kosenen ?
hey, this community was so helpful last time i didnt know how to handle a situation years ago, and here i am all theae years later back on here asking for some advice again on how to handle a certain situation with my kids.
little bit of backstory.. i'm an non jw, been divorced from my ex wife (practicing jw) for about 6 years now.
have 3 kids 7, 10, 13. .
ignore the comments from txnv sue--he/she is just a recently arrived shit stirring troll.
You need to find the best lawyer you can afford. The cult will try to turn your kids against you--take that from one who lost 2 of his kids that way--many years ago. I have grandchildren ive never met--dont even know their names.
my grandfather who has been dead for 37 years would not recognise the borganisation today.
he would turn in his grave if he knew the end didn’t come by 2023.. back in the 1970s he really believed in the 75 thing.
he was so disappointed and almost blamed everyone else why the end didn’t come.
I ! I remember Knorr coming to London when I was a young kid,
i remember that--i hadnt long passed my driving test and drove from Brum down to london--in the family ford 100E--fearless at that age.
i remember Gnaw kept repeating the phrase " you must not forget "--i still remember that, but i havent a tits clue what else he said. forget"
i know i was suicidal before i was disfellowshipped.
and it got worse after i left.
one night a friend told me that he went home the night before and wasn't sure if he would ever hear from me again.
@ Easy prompt
may i ask--were you and your husband in the JW before you got wed ?
even though i'm disfellowshiped ( & i belive wrongfully so).
i still belive this is the truth.
i have been d'f for about 8 months now and working on reinstatement.
Iglesia ni Christo
why that one ?
i know i was suicidal before i was disfellowshipped.
and it got worse after i left.
one night a friend told me that he went home the night before and wasn't sure if he would ever hear from me again.
not exactly a matching answer--as i wasnt d/f--i had resigned years before--but attended now and then to appease the wife. However it was announced i couldnt be df as i wasnt a jw--but was to be treated as apostate and treated the same.
Far from suicidal--i was ecstatic--it was just what i wanted. Finally free of the madness. It wasnt till a few years later that my kids shunned me. But that was because of the control freak actions of their mother.
zoe has nephew in the new bethel and we have been there to visit him.
even had a meal in the new dinning room and had a tour.. it was a bit underwhelming and the display of old bibles open to pages showing jehovah’s name is supposed to prove everything they say is spot on!.
everyone is talking about the upcoming dedication where members of the gb are flying over.
what do they actually do there?
just waiting while it increases in value so they can churn it.
so my mother passed on 20 aug 23 from the big c. i was there when she went.
that was indeed very traumatic.
i won't go to describe it.. dad went 17 years ago so there's just me now.
When my 94 y o JW dad died in 2016--i checked his will--there was no mention of funeral arrangements, so as there was no one else to make the arrangements--i did it all. I met with a funeral director--and explained i wanted no religious service whatsoever.
I never told his congregation he had died--or his grand children--all JWs, who had never visited him in the care home--or for years before that.
I went to the crematorium--along with 2 friends of mine--both ex jw. A couple of the carers from the home went. The coffin was bought in--the funeral director said there would be a couple of minutes silence for reflection; the curtain closed in front of the coffin--and that was that.
i think of my dad quite often--and i believe he had a lot of doubts about the religion--but he kept it to himself. The congregation was well aware i was very close to my dad--and he never shunned me.
so my mother passed on 20 aug 23 from the big c. i was there when she went.
that was indeed very traumatic.
i won't go to describe it.. dad went 17 years ago so there's just me now.
sorry for your loss mate.